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Exceeding Aged Care Quality Standards with dementia care excellence

Dementia care is our core business, but it can be very complex and overwhelming for many organisations and its workforce. This makes providing quality dementia care challenging, as reflected in the Royal Commission into Aged Care.

My Dementia Companion helps you to deliver and evidence quality care as part of your workflow against both:



Note, below information on Strengthened Standards is dated March 2024, which may change as the reform progresses.

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Awesome that my team is embracing this technology great to hear… I will share with the rest of the Executive team

Andrew, General Manager

Strengthened Quality Standards
Strengthened Standrds

In the upcoming Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards, the focus on implementing quality dementia care has increased significantly for aged care providers. For example:

  • Dementia/ cognitive impairment is cited 37 times, compared to only once in the existing Standards. They are also cited 200+ times in the Guidance document and Evidence Mapping Framework for the first time.

  • First dedicated Standard Outcome 3.2.6, 3.2.9 and 5.6 for Dementia and cognitive impairment.

  • First dedicated Outcome 3.2.7 and 5.4.6 for changed behaviours and restrictive practices.

  • Much firmer language on quality care, such as "best supports people living with dementia", "contemporary and evidence-based practice", "comprehensive care", "reablement", "preventative care" and more, across Strengthened Standard 2, 3 and 5.

  • Applies to all clinical and non-clinical staff.

We have mapped how My Dementia Companion evidences against each Standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, which indicated that the can support 90+ Outcome and Actions.

Due to the length of this mapping exercise and our productive meeting with the whole ACQSC executive team, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, we have prepared some resources to help you in the new requirements, including how the the tools could help. This ultimately aims to improve care outcomes for your clients and carers impacted by dementia. Please contact us for:

  • Our Strengthened Mapping document

  • Sample Pre-Audit Preparation Tool, and 

  • further analysis on how they impact your workforce (clinical and non-clinical), how you partner with clients living with dementia or cognitive impairment and much more.

Quality Standards
Current Sandards

Below is how My Dementia Companion helps organisations to evidence care and increase compliance against the current Quality Standards, whilst delivering dementia care excellence with confidence, less stress and time savings.

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1. Consumer dignity and choice

Enables you to not only supply consumers with current, accurate and timely resources to make informed decisions, it empowers you with meticulously curated and personalised resources for all things dementia (c, e). This includes a combination of care strategies and social support, and subsidies tailored for the consumer and their family, so they can live well with dementia while retaining their dignity and ensuring their individual needs are met (a, b, d).

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2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers

helps you to guide your customers and their families through one of life’s most challenging journeys from early stage to the late stages of dementia (a, c, d, e), from getting a diagnosis to end-of-life care and everything in between (b), e.g. accepting the diagnosis, legal planning, simple techniques to live well at home, driving challenges, communication to someone with dementia, understanding unmet needs, continence care, repetition, wandering, challenges with eating, personal care and many more.

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3. Personal care and clinical care

Quality dementia care is challenging to deliver without extensive specialist training and decades of experience. My Dementia Companion can be embedded into your day-to-day workflow to help you to deliver best practice care more easily, including referral to relevant organisations, and sharing personalised care strategies in an instant to guide customers and families through dementia and more (a-f).

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4. Service and support for daily living

Dementia makes some of the most simple daily living activities challenging for the customer, their family and your frontline team members. The tools enable you to provide safe and effective services in a dementia setting, including how to deal with challenges in eating, sleeping, wandering, repetition, communication, the living environment and many more (a-e).

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6. Feedback an complaints

Knowledge and continuous improvement enables an organisation to take on feedback and take action. The tools empower everyone with quality information to understand dementia, what to expect and what to do, which enables useful feedback to be given and improvement actions to be taken (a, c, d).

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7. Human Resources

Competent dementia care is already challenging due to its complexity. Your demanding workload and the fact that the sector does not have any intuitive tools to support your work in dementia care makes the situation worse. My Dementia Companionis the world’s first digital dementia assistant to equip you to deliver dementia care excellence, improve care and reduce stress, whilst saving time (a-e).

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8. Organisation governmence

As the sector clearly lacks a dementia care tool as part of its overall governance system, the tools fill the void for the dementia care workforce. This allows you to actually deliver care and be engaged, empowered and proud of your work, which promotes a culture of safe, inclusive and quality care (a-e).

* Care professionals include: case or care managers, care coordinators, dementia advisors, nurses, assessors, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists/ neuropsychologists and more.


How to get started?

You can click here to learn how to get started with the PRO, so you can:

  • Save time and improve staff satisfaction

  • Improve care

  • Reduce risk and increase compliance

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