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The Reason That I Care

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

I don't like to talk or write about myself very much. But here I am starting a blog... why is that?

To start off our first post, maybe I would tell you a bit about why I do what I do.

I worked on the National Framework for Action on Dementia 2015-2019, which highlighted to me the significant improvement we still need in dementia care. Having had this played out in my clinical life as a pharmacist and again when I became a dementia and aged care volunteer, I just saw the same challenges and issues over and over again.

The challenge was that the aged care system and available support information is too overwhelming and complex for family/ friend carers to use and figure out how to care for their loved ones and themselves.

This is why My Dementia Companion born. It is a passion project born out of frustration, which I'm still working a day job to sustain.

So why am I writing a blog: I hope with all the extraordinary interest with our pilot and innovative approach, we can raise awareness and improve the lives of many families impact by this challenging disease. And also, may be we can attract some new talent and innovators to help us improve dementia care.


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