More and more providers are seeking advice from us about dementia care in the new compliance environment.
This is in response to the:
new Strengthened Quality Standards, and accompanying Guidance documents, which has a significant more focus on dementia care (over 37 and 200 citations respectively of dementia or cognitive impairment). New dedicated dementia/ cognitive impairment specific Standards include 3.2.6, 3.2.7, 3.2.9, 5.6.1, 5.6.2 and 5.6.3.
Increase focus on care and clinical support as part of Support At Home.
In light of and also following the MyDC PRO team’s productive meeting with the whole ACQSC executive team, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, we have prepared some resources to help in preparing your workforce and organisation for the new requirements, including how the PRO could help. This ultimately aims to improve care outcomes for your clients and carers impacted by dementia.
The resources include
Strengthened Standard Mapping
Sample Pre-Audit Preparation Tool, and
further analysis on how they impact your workforce (clinical and non-clinical), how you partner with clients living with dementia or cognitive impairment and much more
Please find the key themes below and if you would like to learn more, please contact us.